Journeys of an Afro-Atlantic Envoy: With George Nelson Preston on Harlem Heights

buy priligy online in india frontis: Forever Between Two Renaissances.  Triptych from Tristes Tropiques/Sadly, the Tropics (2016) The Museum of Art and Origins, 430 West 162nd St, NYC, NY 10032 As is our custom, I am having a twilight tea with the artist, poet, collector and scholar George Nelson Preston amidst the curated clutter of his home, studio and museum […]

“We Are Only A Dream In the Eternal Sleep of G-d” – George Nelson Preston & Dio-genes Abreu “The Body as Criminal Evidence” (La palabra como cuerpo del delito).

To be played at 78 rpm.

My friend George

The boys were shootin’ it out last night.  At the Burr-thday shindig —The Man, George Nelson Preston , in Up-a Creek drag, at Morris-Jumel Mansion, celebrating Aaron Burr’s birthday, reminding us that Burr was the only Founding Father to advocate for the rights of Native Americans. “ At an event for Aaron Burr at Morris-Jumel […]