NYC. March 27, 5 pm, 2020

Spring-Early Summer 1976

“He governed his conduct by considerations removed from the obvious, by incredible assumptions, which rendered his logic impenetrable to any reasonable person.” Conrad on Almayer. “The Seven Deadly Sins are pride, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, avarice and sloth. Brecht declares these offences to be virtues. They are sins only to the petite bourgeois because, under […]

The cat came back

I was bored enough browsing through the Museum of American Folk Art’s shop yesterday to pick up Writers and their Cats, a Chronicle tchotchke book sporting a debonair  Truman Capote embracing a dashing tabby on its cover.  As I am fond of tabby cats, I ventured inside to find on page 78 our own dearly […]