Comely attractions.

buy Pregabalin with paypal The Private Library and the House of Execution are collaborating on a boudoir library, fit for Catherine the Great, of  libertine literature from the 18th century through the ’60’s and ’70’s and featuring the Time Square erotica collections of Kurt Thometz and Michael O’Donoghue. See: Catherine the Great’s erotic cabinet October 16, 2013 by Ivgheny […]

In Memorium: Steven Grant Kramer, 1953-2013.

“How do, you do, Missus Willlley?”  It is Ernest T. Bass’s doo-wop in Steven’s voice come from ethernity to wish me Happy Anniversary and in my mind’s car I’m driven to that mythical place, our Mayberry, a Coconino County outside-a Raleigh, an Enchanted Mesa just past Mt. Pilot, second star to the right, where everyone […]

Kurt Thometz’s Little Black Bookstore by Orestis Tsonopoulos

Kurt Thometz, a private librarian to the ultra-rich and a rare book collector with an affinity for African literature, surrounds himself with more than 15,000 obsessively organized books in an 1891 brownstone on West 160th Street in Upper Manhattan. Part-bookstore, part-bed and breakfast and private library, Thometz’s home is situated in a neighborhood steeped in African […]